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Homepage Product Groups ALUMINIUM WASHER


Yapıştırılmış Keçeler, metal ve plastikten yapılmış contalardır. Flanş bağlantılarının ve fitinglerin aşırı basınçtan statik sızdırmazlığı için kullanılırlar.

Product Specifications

Alumınıum washer is general use to fıxıng and perfecting space inbetween parts, it also a preffered product in sealing production.


With our company experience and technical knowledge, we can produce your desired product  according to your needs.


- Very good resistance to corrosion and oxidation.
- Resistant to tearing.
- High flexibility.
- Electrical conductivity
- The specific weight of the steel is 1/3.

Technicial Specifications

D1 : The product shows the inner diameter measurement 
D2 : The product shows the external diameter measurement 
  S : The product shows the thickness measurement.

Custom Manufacturing Form
Please fill in the form for the production of stamps for your business.